Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter Eggs

My first Easter Celebration. I went to church with Daddy & Mummy and received easter eggs. I like them vey much.........Maybe I will eat them later.

Lunch time

Hi I am in my highchair...waiting for my food to be served. But before I have my meal, let me pose. Peace! Do I look cool...haha :)


Hi everyone out there. Who is taking my photo...Daddy or mummy? Anyway, it's me again! Well I am reading my favourite book "Elmo goes to School". Elmo is one of my favourite cartoon characters.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


That's me again, taking a break in my favourite chair. I have just finished my lunch and will be snoozing soon.

"Look At Me" Can you tell the difference?

This is me posing with 2 babies. I think they are twins cos they look so much alike. .....
I am really scared to move as they will wake up soon. So here I lay as still as possible. I am not supposed to cry and scream too! I cannot remember where this picture was taken as I was still very young then. But mummy told me it was at Chinese New Year over at some people's house.